Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from pymatgen.core import Structure, Lattice
from pymatgen.symmetry.groups import SpaceGroup, sg_symbol_from_int_number
from pymatgen.symmetry.bandstructure import HighSymmKpath

from .logging import log
from .util import backfold_k, rot_v1_v2
from .files.base import FPLOFile
from .files import DOS

[docs]class FPLORun(object): def __init__(self, directory): log.debug("Initialising FPLO run in directory {}", directory) = directory self.files = {} # print available files for debug purposes fnames = [f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, f))] loaded = set() for fname in fnames: try: self.files[fname] = os.path.join(directory, fname), run=self) except KeyError: pass else: if self.files[fname].load_default: self.files[fname].load() loaded.add(fname)"Loaded files: {}", ", ".join(sorted(loaded)))"Loadable files: {}", ", ".join(sorted( set(self.files.keys()) - loaded))) log.debug("Not loadable: {}", ", ".join(sorted( set(fnames) - set(self.files.keys())))) def __getitem__(self, item): f = self.files[item] if not f.is_loaded: log.debug('Loading {} due to getitem access via FPLORun', item) f.load() return f def __repr__(self): return "{}('{}')".format(type(self).__name__, @property def attrs(self): return self["+run"].attrs @property def spacegroup_number(self): return int(self[""].structure_information.spacegroup.number) @property def spacegroup_symbol(self): """Returns Hermann-Mauguin symbol including setting.""" symb = sg_symbol_from_int_number(self.spacegroup_number) symb = symb[:-1] if symb.endswith('H') else symb setting = None if self.spacegroup_setting: setting = ":" + self.spacegroup_setting return f"{symb}{setting or ''}" @property def spacegroup_setting(self): try: setting = self[""].structure_information.spacegroup.setting except AttributeError: setting = None return setting if setting != "default" else None @property def spacegroup(self): #sg_symbol = sg_symbol_from_int_number(self.spacegroup_number) #setting = f":{self.spacegroup_setting}" if self.spacegroup_setting else "" return SpaceGroup(self.spacegroup_symbol) @property def cellrotation(self): """Reproduces the normalized cell rotation matrix as present in XFPLO structure dialog.""" try: cellrotation = self[""].structure_information.cellrotation except AttributeError: return np.eye(3) if is False: return np.eye(3) Rmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) Rmat[0] = cellrotation.newx # not necessarily normalized! Rmat[2] = cellrotation.newz # not necessarily normalized! Rmat[1] = np.cross(Rmat[2], Rmat[0]) return Rmat/np.linalg.norm(Rmat, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] @property def lattice(self): # lattice matrix: basis vectors are rows si = self[""].structure_information # todo: convert non-angstrom units assert si.lengthunit.type == 2 lattice = Lattice.from_parameters( *si.lattice_constants, *si.axis_angles) # translate to FPLO convention # see also: if self.spacegroup.crystal_system in ('trigonal', 'hexagonal') and self.spacegroup_setting != "R": lattice = Lattice(lattice.matrix @ Rotation.from_rotvec([0, 0, 30], degrees=True).as_matrix()) elif self.spacegroup.crystal_system == 'trigonal' and self.spacegroup_setting == "R": # pymatgen will put rhombohedral c axis to 001, a, b to ??? # but FPLO puts hexagonal c axis to 001 also in rhombohedral setting conventional_c = lattice.matrix.sum(axis=0)/3 R_alignc = rot_v1_v2(v1=conventional_c, v2=np.array([0, 0, 1])) # a projected onto xy plane should point along x a = lattice.matrix[0] @ R_alignc.T a_proj = a - (a @ np.array([0, 0, 1])) * np.array([0, 0, 1]) R_aligna = rot_v1_v2(v1=a_proj, v2=np.array([1, 0, 0])) R = R_aligna @ R_alignc lattice = Lattice(lattice.matrix @ R.T) elif self.spacegroup.crystal_system not in ('cubic', 'tetragonal', 'orthorhombic'): log.warning('untested lattice, crystal orientation may not be correct') # apply cell rotation lattice = Lattice(lattice.matrix @ self.cellrotation) return lattice @property def structure(self): si = self[""].structure_information elements = [] coords = [] for wp in si.wyckoff_positions: elements.append(wp.element) coords.append([float(x) for x in wp.tau]) structure = Structure.from_spacegroup( self.spacegroup_symbol, self.lattice, elements, coords) return structure @cached_property def point_group_operations_frac(self): """Returns the point group operations in real space lattice fractional coordinates. Identity (E) is guaranteed to be first.""" # note: SpacegroupAnalyzer(self.structure).get_point_group_operations(cartesian=False) gives the actual # symmetry and should typically give the same results, but sometimes you might intentionally be running # in a lower symmetry setting than the actual symmetry, so we use the declared symmetry instead. seen = set() pg_ops = [op.rotation_matrix for op in self.spacegroup.symmetry_ops if not op.rotation_matrix.tobytes() in seen and seen.add(op.rotation_matrix.tobytes()) is None] # for uniqueness return sorted(pg_ops, key=lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x - np.eye(3))) # ensure identity is first @cached_property def point_group_operations(self): """Returns the point group operations in cartesian coordinates. Identity (E) is guaranteed to be first.""" pg_ops_cart = [] for op_frac in self.point_group_operations_frac: op = self.lattice.matrix.T @ op_frac @ self.lattice.inv_matrix.T # fractional -> cartesian op[abs(op) < 1e-12] = 0 # nearly zero nearly_1 = (abs(abs(op) - 1) < 1e-12) # nearly +-1 op[nearly_1] = np.rint(op[nearly_1]) pg_ops_cart.append(op) return pg_ops_cart @property def primitive_structure(self): """Returns the primitive structure. Note that while run.structure and its lattice should be equivalent to the definition as per FPLO, the primitive lattice is not necessarily the same as the one generated by FPLO, although they are equivalent.""" return self.structure.get_primitive_structure() @property def primitive_lattice(self): return self.primitive_structure.lattice @property def brillouin_zone(self): """Returns the Brillouin zone of the primitive lattice""" return self.primitive_lattice.get_brillouin_zone() @cached_property def band(self): """Returns the band data file""" try: return self['+band'] except KeyError: return self['+band_kp'] # todo: k-coordinate array class which automatically wraps back to first bz # and irreducible wedge @cached_property def band_weights(self): try: return self['+bweights'] except KeyError: raise AttributeError
[docs] def dos(self, **kwargs): dos_files = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, DOS), self.files) print(dos_files) raise NotImplementedError
@cached_property def high_symm_kpaths(self): """Returns the high symmetry k-path in fractional reciprocal coordinates of primitive structure & lattice""" return HighSymmKpath(self.primitive_structure).kpath['path'] @cached_property def high_symm_kpoints_fractional(self): """Returns the high symmetry k-points in fractional reciprocal coordinates of primitive structure & lattice""" return HighSymmKpath(self.primitive_structure).kpath['kpoints'] @cached_property def high_symm_kpoints(self): """Returns the high symmetry k-points in cartesian coordinates.""" points_frac = self.high_symm_kpoints_fractional points_cart = {} for label, coord in points_frac.items(): points_cart[label] = coord @ self.primitive_lattice.reciprocal_lattice.matrix return points_cart
[docs] def backfold_k(self, points): return backfold_k( self.primitive_lattice.reciprocal_lattice, points)
[docs] def fplo_to_k(self, fplo_coords): """ Transforms fplo coordinates (fractional cartesian, units 2pi/a) to k-space coordinates. :param fplo_coords: Nx3 :return: k_points: Nx3 """ return 2*np.pi/self.lattice.a * fplo_coords
def _frac_to_k(self, fractional_coords): """ Transforms fractional reciprocal lattice coordinates to k-space coordinates. :param fractional_coords: Nx3 :return: k_points: Nx3 """ # coordinates are in terms of conventional unit cell BZ, not primitive return fractional_coords @ self.lattice.reciprocal_lattice.matrix def _k_to_frac(self, k_coords): return k_coords @ self.lattice.reciprocal_lattice.inv_matrix