Source code for fplore.util

import itertools

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay, Voronoi
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hcluster
from pymatgen.core import Lattice

from .logging import log
from .fast_util import backfold_k_inplace

nbs = (0, 1, -1)
neighbours = list(itertools.product(nbs, nbs, nbs))  # 27
pe_neighbours = list(itertools.product(nbs[:-1], nbs[:-1], nbs[:-1]))  # 8
idx_000 = neighbours.index((0, 0, 0))

[docs]def cartesian_product(*xs): """Iterates over primary axis first, then second, etc.""" return np.array(np.meshgrid(*xs, indexing='ij')).reshape(len(xs), -1).T
[docs]def unique(coords, tol=1e-5): # todo test, untested, copied from 1d code # pre-clustering using exact uniqueness coords = np.unique(coords) # hierarchical clustering for uniqueness accounting for float inaccuracies xc = hcluster.fclusterdata(coords[:, np.newaxis], tol, criterion="distance") _, xu_idx = np.unique(xc, return_index=True) coords = coords[xu_idx] return coords
[docs]def detect_grid(coordinates): """ Check if sample points form regular, rectangular grid :param coordinates: :return: (xs, ys, zs) axes of grid """ dtype = coordinates.dtype coord_round = coordinates.round(decimals=6) tol = {'rtol': 0, 'atol': 1e-5} axes = [] # clustering for coord_dim in coord_round.T: # pre-clustering (not really unique due to float + rounding ridges) xs = np.unique(coord_dim) # hierarchical clustering xc = hcluster.fclusterdata(xs[:, np.newaxis], 1e-5, criterion="distance") _, xu_idx = np.unique(xc, return_index=True) xs = sorted(xs[xu_idx]) xs_step = np.diff(xs) assert np.allclose(xs_step, np.median(xs_step), **tol), "xs_step" axes.append(xs) # assumption: fraction coords were laid out on regular, rectangular # grid parallel to axes # test: g_min = np.min(coordinates, axis=0) g_max = np.max(coordinates, axis=0) axes_grid = [] for dim_min, dim_max, xs in zip(g_min.T, g_max.T, axes): xs_grid = np.linspace(dim_min, dim_max, len(xs), dtype=dtype) assert np.allclose(xs, xs_grid, **tol), "xs" axes_grid.append(xs_grid) return axes_grid
[docs]def find_basis(lattice_points): """Given lattice points of shape (N, 3), this function attempts to find a basis""" min_length = 1e-6 dists = np.linalg.norm(lattice_points, axis=1) valid = (dists > min_length) lattice_points = lattice_points[valid] dists = dists[valid] n = 12 # find n shortest vectors partition = np.argpartition(dists, n)[:n] order = np.argsort(dists[partition]) smallest = lattice_points[partition][order] basis = None for basis_candidate in itertools.permutations(smallest, 3): if np.linalg.matrix_rank(basis_candidate) < 3: continue basis = np.array(basis_candidate, dtype=np.float64) break else: raise Exception('Points do not span a volume') try: # diff to grid inv_basis = np.linalg.inv(basis) frac = lattice_points @ inv_basis frac_int = np.rint(frac) # finetune basis for numerical accuracy # solve matrix equation for best fit # diff = frac - frac_int # delta_basis, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(frac_int, diff @ basis) basis, res2, rank2, s2 = np.linalg.lstsq(frac_int, lattice_points, rcond=None) # diff to grid (finetuned basis) inv_basis = np.linalg.inv(basis) frac = lattice_points @ inv_basis frac_int = np.rint(frac) diff = frac - frac_int max_diff = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=1).max() log.debug('find_basis max_diff {}', max_diff) assert max_diff < 1e-4, f'max_diff {max_diff}' # absolute error # assert grid has no major holes (e.g. basis too small) uniq_x, uniq_y, uniq_z = [np.unique(frac[:, i].round(decimals=4)) for i in range(3)] assert np.allclose(uniq_x, np.arange(uniq_x[0], uniq_x[-1]+1)), 'x' assert np.allclose(uniq_y, np.arange(uniq_y[0], uniq_y[-1]+1)), 'y' assert np.allclose(uniq_z, np.arange(uniq_z[0], uniq_z[-1]+1)), 'z' except AssertionError as ae: log.debug('basis {}\n{}', basis, ae) raise ValueError('Could not determine basis from input lattice_points') return basis
[docs]def find_lattice(lattice_points): return Lattice(find_basis(lattice_points)).get_niggli_reduced_lattice()
[docs]def snap_to_grid(points, *grid_axes): snapped = [] for i, ax in enumerate(grid_axes): diff = ax[:, np.newaxis] - points[:, i] best = np.argmin(np.abs(diff), axis=0) snapped.append(ax[best]) return np.array(snapped).T
[docs]def sample_e(axes, reshaped_data, coords, order=1, energy_levels=None): """Sample a given ndimage (axes, reshaped_data) at coords""" if energy_levels is None: energy_levels = np.arange( reshaped_data.shape[-1]) if np.isnan(reshaped_data).any(): log.warning("NaN in sample_e input") len_axes = np.array([len(axis) for axis in axes]) axes = np.array([[axis[0], axis[-1]] for axis in axes]) # x0 + ix/(nx - 1) * (x_end - x0) = coord # -> (nx - 1) * (coord - x0)/(x_end - x0) = ix idx_coords = ((len_axes - 1) * (coords - axes[:, 0]) / (axes[:, -1] - axes[:, 0])) assert coords.shape[-1] == 3 base_shape = coords.shape[:-1] if len(coords.shape) > 2: idx_coords = idx_coords.reshape(-1, 3) coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) # since scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates cannot handle vector-valued # functions, iterate over energy indices def mc(i_es): res = np.zeros((len(coords), len(i_es))) for i, i_e in enumerate(i_es): res[:, i] = map_coordinates( reshaped_data[..., i_e], idx_coords.T, order=order) return res ret = mc(energy_levels) ret = ret.reshape(base_shape + (len(energy_levels),)) if np.all(np.isnan(ret)): raise Exception("It's all downhill from here (only NaN in result)") elif np.any(np.isnan(ret)): log.warning("NaN in sample_e output") return ret
[docs]def wigner_seitz_neighbours(lattice): ksamp_lattice_points = np.array(neighbours) @ lattice.matrix vor = Voronoi(ksamp_lattice_points) ws_nbs = frozenset(itertools.chain.from_iterable( set(a) for a in vor.ridge_points if idx_000 in a)) - {idx_000} ws_nbs = np.array(list(ws_nbs)) ws_nbs = vor.points[ws_nbs] @ lattice.inv_matrix ws_nbs = set(map(tuple, np.rint(ws_nbs).astype(int))) return ws_nbs # wigner-seitz cell neighbours in units of basis vectors
[docs]def fill_bz(k, reciprocal_lattice, ksamp_lattice=None, pad=False): """fills the first BZ with k-points of a given sampling lattice""" ksamp_lattice = ksamp_lattice or find_lattice(k) neighbours_lattice = wigner_seitz_neighbours(ksamp_lattice) #idx_first_bz = in_first_bz(k, reciprocal_lattice) #k = k[idx_first_bz] ksamp_lattice_ijk = k @ ksamp_lattice.inv_matrix # (N, 3) array of float ksamp_lattice_ijk = set(map(tuple, np.rint(ksamp_lattice_ijk).astype(int))) # convert to set of tuples of int checked = set() to_check = ksamp_lattice_ijk.copy() while to_check: new_ijk = set() for p in to_check: new_ijk.update(set((p[0] + nb[0], p[1] + nb[1], p[2] + nb[2]) for nb in neighbours_lattice)) checked |= to_check new_ijk -= checked if pad: checked |= new_ijk new_ijk = np.array(list(new_ijk)) new_ijk_in1bz = in_first_bz(new_ijk @ ksamp_lattice.matrix, reciprocal_lattice) new_ijk = new_ijk[new_ijk_in1bz] # remove those not inside 1st bz to_check = set(map(tuple, new_ijk)) return np.array(list(checked - ksamp_lattice_ijk)) @ ksamp_lattice.matrix
""" def pad_regular_sampling_lattice(k, ksamp_lattice=None): ksamp_lattice = ksamp_lattice or find_lattice(k) neighbours_lattice = wigner_seitz_neighbours(ksamp_lattice) ksamp_lattice_ijk = k @ ksamp_lattice.inv_matrix # (N, 3) array of float ksamp_lattice_ijk = set(map(tuple, np.rint(ksamp_lattice_ijk).astype(int))) # convert to set of tuples of int expanded_lattice_ijk = ksamp_lattice_ijk.copy() for p in ksamp_lattice_ijk: expanded_lattice_ijk.update(set((p[0] + nb[0], p[1] + nb[1], p[2] + nb[2]) for nb in neighbours_lattice)) extra_ijk = np.array(list(expanded_lattice_ijk - ksamp_lattice_ijk)) extra_k = extra_ijk @ ksamp_lattice.matrix return extra_k, extra_ijk"""
[docs]def backfold_k_parallelepiped(lattice, b, atol=1e-4): """Fold an array of k-points b (shape (..., 3)) back to the parallelepiped spanned by the lattice vectors.""" return ((b @ lattice.inv_matrix + atol) % 1 - atol) @ lattice.matrix
BOUNDARY_ATOL = 1e-6 # for BZ/backfolding
[docs]def backfold_k_old(lattice, b): assert idx_000 == 0 # get adjacent BZ cells and all parallelepiped corners neighbours_frac = wigner_seitz_neighbours(lattice) | set(pe_neighbours[1:]) neighbours_k = np.array(list(neighbours_frac)) @ lattice.matrix neighbours_k = np.vstack([[0, 0, 0], neighbours_k]) # we rely on idx_000 being 0 log.debug("#neighbours_k: {}", len(neighbours_k)) # to reduce problems due to translational equivalence (borders of BZ) # we directly fold to the parallelepiped spanned by the reciprocal lattice basis b = backfold_k_parallelepiped(lattice, b, 0.5+BOUNDARY_ATOL) b_shape = b.shape b = b.reshape(-1, 3) # for some reason it is faster WITH a reshape # all coordinates need to be backfolded initially idx_requires_backfolding = np.ones(b.shape[:-1], dtype=bool) # boolean indexing i = 0 while True: i += 1 if i > 20: raise Exception('Backfolding failed') log.debug('backfolding... (round {})', i) # calculate distances to nearest neighbour BZ origins dists = cdist(b[idx_requires_backfolding], neighbours_k) # get the index of the BZ origin to which distance is minimal # if multiple dists are minimal, choose the one with the lowest index # (this is important for translational equivalence stability w.r.t numerical error) bz_idx = np.argmax((dists - dists.min(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]) < BOUNDARY_ATOL, axis=1) # perform backfolding backfolded = b[idx_requires_backfolding] - neighbours_k[bz_idx] # get indices of points that were backfolded (boolean index array) idx_backfolded = (bz_idx != idx_000) log.debug('backfolded {} of {} coordinates', idx_backfolded.sum(), len(idx_requires_backfolding)) if not idx_backfolded.any(): log.debug("backfolding finished") return b.reshape(b_shape) # assign backfolded coordinates to output array b[idx_requires_backfolding] = backfolded # only those coordinates which were changed in this round need to be # backfolded again in the next round idx_requires_backfolding[idx_requires_backfolding] = idx_backfolded
[docs]def backfold_k(lattice, b): """ Folds an array of k-points b (shape (..., 3)) back to the first Brillouin zone given a reciprocal lattice matrix A. Guarantees that translationally equivalent points will be mapped to the same output point. Note: Assumes that the lattice vectors contained in A correspond to the shortest lattice vectors, i.e. that pairwise combinations of reciprocal lattice vectors in A and their negatives cover all the nearest neighbours of the BZ. """ # TODO handle points on borders of BZ more elegantly # TODO make sure translationally equivalent points not present (brillouin zone boundary) # TODO drop nans from input and emit warning, and add them back in output assert idx_000 == 0 # get adjacent BZ cells and all parallelepiped corners neighbours_frac = wigner_seitz_neighbours(lattice) | set(pe_neighbours[1:]) neighbours_k = np.array(list(neighbours_frac)) @ lattice.matrix neighbours_k = np.vstack([[0, 0, 0], neighbours_k]) # we rely on idx_000 being 0 log.debug("#neighbours_k: {}", len(neighbours_k)) # to reduce problems due to translational equivalence (borders of BZ) # we directly fold to the parallelepiped spanned by the reciprocal lattice basis b = backfold_k_parallelepiped(lattice, b, 0.5+BOUNDARY_ATOL) b_shape = b.shape b = b.reshape(-1, 3) backfold_k_inplace(neighbours_k, b) return b.reshape(b_shape)
[docs]def remove_duplicates(data): """Remove non-unique k-points from data. Order is not preserved.""" unique, idx = np.unique(data['k'].round(decimals=5), return_index=True, axis=0) log.debug('deleting {} duplicates from band data ({} elements total)', len(data) - len(idx), len(data)) data = data[idx] return data
[docs]def linspace_ng(start, *stops, **kwargs): """ Return evenly spaced coordinates between n arbitrary 3d points A single stop will return a line between start and stop, two stops make a plane segment, three stops will span a parallelepiped. """ start = np.array(start) stops = [np.array(stop) for stop in stops] num = kwargs.get("num", 50) vecs = [stop - start for stop in stops] try: if len(num) != len(stops): raise Exception("Length of 'num' and 'stops' must match") except TypeError: # no len num = len(stops) * (num,) grid = np.array(np.meshgrid( *(np.linspace(0, 1, num=n) for n in num))).T A = np.vstack(vecs) return grid @ A + start
[docs]def in_first_bz(p, reciprocal_lattice): """ Test if points `p` are in the first Brillouin zone """ ws_neighbours = list(wigner_seitz_neighbours(reciprocal_lattice)) idx_000 = 0 ws_neighbours.insert(idx_000, (0, 0, 0)) neighbours_k = np.array(ws_neighbours) @ reciprocal_lattice.matrix dists = cdist(p, neighbours_k) # prevent float inaccuracies from folding on 1st BZ borders: dists[:, idx_000] -= BOUNDARY_ATOL return np.argmin(dists, axis=1) == idx_000
[docs]def in_hull(p, hull, **kwargs): """ Test if points in `p` are within `hull` """ if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay): hull = Delaunay(hull) return hull.find_simplex(p, **kwargs) >= 0
[docs]def generate_irreducible_wedge(lattice): """ Partitions BZ into irreducible wedges. :return: List of irreducible wedges with matrix to transform coordinates to the 'primary' wedge. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def get_perp_vector(v): """ Returns an arbitrary normalized vector perpendicular to v """ v = np.array(v) if v[0] == 0: return np.array([1, 0, 0]) elif v[1] == 0: return np.array([0, 1, 0]) elif v[2] == 0: return np.array([0, 0, 1]) else: return np.array([v[1], -v[0], 0])/np.sqrt(v[0]**2 + v[1]**2)
[docs]def rot_v1_v2(v1, v2): """Returns rotation matrix which rotates v1 onto v2""" v1 = np.array(v1) v2 = np.array(v2) v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1) v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2) cp = np.cross(v1, v2) # sine * rot axis c =, v2) # cosine if np.isclose(c, -1.0): log.debug(f'v1={v1} and v2={v2} are antiparallel') n = get_perp_vector(v1) return Rotation.from_rotvec(n*np.pi).as_matrix() # rodrigues rotation formula cpm = np.array([[0, -cp[2], cp[1]], [cp[2], 0, -cp[0]], [-cp[1], cp[0], 0]]) return np.eye(3) + cpm +, cpm) * 1 / (1 + c)
[docs]def project(v, t): """Project vector v onto target vector t""" v = np.array(v) t = np.array(t) return, t) /, t) * t
[docs]def project_plane(v, n): """Project vector v onto plane with normal n""" v = np.array(v) n = np.array(n) return v - project(v, n)
[docs]def normalized(v): """Returns normalized v""" v = np.array(v) return v / np.linalg.norm(v)