Brillouin zoneΒΆ

brillouin zone
  0% (0 of 31) |                         | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA:  --:--:--
100% (31 of 31) |########################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: The input structure does not match the expected standard primitive! The path can be incorrect. Use at your own risk.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fplore import FPLORun
from fplore.plot import plot_bz

run = FPLORun("../example_data/fermi")

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
plot_bz(run, ax, k_points=True, use_symmetry=True)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.095 seconds)

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