Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
from io import StringIO
from itertools import zip_longest
from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import merge_arrays
import progressbar
from scipy.stats.distributions import norm
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator, LinearNDInterpolator
from pymatgen.core import Lattice

from .base import FPLOFile, writeable, loads
from ..logging import log
from ..util import (cartesian_product, find_basis, detect_grid,
                    remove_duplicates, snap_to_grid, fill_bz,
                    find_lattice, backfold_k_parallelepiped)

# todo unify/subclass Band parser
# todo bweights
# todo _lms

[docs]class BandBase(object): @staticmethod def _gen_band_data_array(num_k, num_e=None, ik=False, fractional_coords=False, k_coords=False, weights=False, index=False, **kwargs): ftype = kwargs.get('ftype', np.float32) dtype = [] if ik: dtype.append(('ik', ftype)) if fractional_coords: dtype.append(('frac', ftype, (3,))) if k_coords: dtype.append(('k', ftype, (3,))) if num_e is not None: dtype.append(('e', ftype, (num_e,))) if index: index_type = kwargs.get('idx_type', np.uint32) dtype.append(('idx', index_type)) if weights: if isinstance(weights, bool): num_weights = num_e else: num_weights = weights dtype.append(('c', ftype, (num_e, num_weights))) return np.zeros(num_k, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def bands_at_energy(self, e=0., tol=0.05): """Returns the indices of bands which cross a certain energy level""" idx_band = np.any(np.abs(['e'] - e) < tol, axis=0) return np.where(idx_band)[0]
[docs] def bands_within(self, e_lower, e_upper=None): """Returns the indices of bands which are within a certain energy range""" if e_upper is None: e_upper = -e_lower e = (e_lower + e_upper) / 2 tol = np.abs(e_upper - e_lower) / 2 return self.bands_at_energy(e=e, tol=tol)
[docs]class BandWeights(BandBase, FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = re.compile(r"\+bw(eights(lms)?|sum)(_kp)?(_unfold)?")
[docs] @loads('data', 'labels', disk_cache=True, mem_map={'data'}) def load(self): weights_file = open(self.filepath, 'r') header_str = next(weights_file) _0, _1, n_k, n_weights, n_bands, n_spinstates, _6, size2 = ( f(x) for f, x in zip((int, float, int, int, int, int, int, int), header_str.split()[1:])) # _0: ? # _1: energy-related? # _2: number of k_points sampled # _3: number of weights, should be greater or equal n_bands or 0 (?) # _4: number of bands # _5: number of spin states # _6: index of first band # _7: index of last band columns = next(weights_file) columns = re.sub("[ ]{1,}", " ", columns) columns = columns.split(" ")[1:-1] # remove # and \n labels = columns[2:] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=n_k*n_bands) data = self._gen_band_data_array(n_k, n_bands, ik=True, weights=n_weights) for i, lines in bar(enumerate( zip_longest(*[weights_file] * n_bands))): e = [] weights = [] for line in lines: linedata = [float(d) for d in line.split()] e.append(linedata[1]) weights.append(linedata[2:]) data[i]['ik'] = linedata[0] data[i]['e'] = e data[i]['c'] = weights'Band weight data is {} MiB in size', data.nbytes / (1024 * 1024)) return data, labels
@property def orbitals(self): label_re = re.compile( r"(?P<element>[A-Z][a-z]?)" r"\((?P<site>\d{3})\)" r"(?P<orbital>(?P<n>\d)(?P<l>[spdfg])" r"((?P<j>[\d/]+)(?P<mj>[+-][\d/]+)" r"|" r"(?P<ml>[+-][\d/]+)(?P<s>up|dn)))") return [re.fullmatch(label_re, label) or label for label in self.labels]
[docs]class Band(BandBase, FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = ("+band", "+band_kp")
[docs] @loads('_data', disk_cache=True, mem_map={'_data'}) def load(self): band_kp_file = open(self.filepath, 'r') header_str = next(band_kp_file) log.debug(header_str) _0, _1, n_k, _3, n_bands, n_spinstates, _6, size2 = ( f(x) for f, x in zip((int, float, int, int, int, int, int, int), header_str.split()[1:])) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=n_k) # k and e appear to be 4-byte (32 bit) floats data = self._gen_band_data_array( n_k, n_bands, ik=True, fractional_coords=True) for i, lines in bar(enumerate( zip_longest(*[band_kp_file] * (1 + n_spinstates)))): # read two lines at once for n_spinstates=1, three for n_s=2 # first line frac = tuple(map(float, lines[0].split()[1:])) # second (+ third) line ik = float(lines[1].split()[0]) e = [list(map(float, line_e.split()[1:])) for line_e in lines[1:]] # todo: don't ignore magnetic split if n_spinstates > 1: log.warning('Ignoring magnetic split (TODO: fix)') e = e[0] # ignore magnetic split data[i]['ik'] = ik data[i]['frac'] = frac data[i]['e'] = e'Band data is {} MiB in size', data.nbytes / (1024 * 1024)) return data
@property def weights(self): return @cached_property def data(self): """Returns the raw band data plus k-coordinates (if possible)""" if is None:'No associated FPLORun, cannot convert fractional FPLO units (2pi/a) to k') return self._data # convert FPLO reciprocal coordinates to k-space coordinates k =['frac']) view_type = np.dtype([('k', k.dtype, (3,))]) k_structured = k.view(view_type)[:, 0] return merge_arrays([self._data, k_structured], flatten=True) @cached_property def symm_data(self): """Returns the band data folded back to the first BZ and applies symmetry operations. Returns an index array to reduce memory usage.""" # the band structure has the Laue symmetry of the crystal (Neumann's principle) # (and in case of degenerate spins , then also inversion symmetry, due to time reversal) # get symmetry operations from point group, in rotated cartesian coords symm_ops = # apply symmetry operations from point group data = self.apply_symmetry(, symm_ops) data['k'] =['k']) data = remove_duplicates(data) return data @cached_property def padded_symm_data(self): k = self.symm_data['k'] ksamp_lattice = find_lattice(k) # attempt to find a regular lattice spanning the k-points extra_k = fill_bz(k,, ksamp_lattice=ksamp_lattice, pad=True) #extra_k, extra_ijk = pad_regular_sampling_lattice(k_fill, ksamp_lattice=ksamp_lattice) # now we need to determine which of the original k-points filling the BZ zone # these extra k-points correspond to #k_frac = (k @ + 1e-4) % 1 - 1e-4 # k to reciprocal lattice vectors parallelepiped #extra_k_frac = (extra_k @ + 1e-4) % 1 - 1e-4 # 1e-4 for consistency even with float inaccuracies around edges #lattice_ijk = extra_k_frac @ @ ksamp_lattice.inv_matrix lattice_ijk = backfold_k_parallelepiped(, extra_k) @ ksamp_lattice.inv_matrix lattice_ijk = list(map(tuple, np.rint(lattice_ijk).astype(int))) # == extra_ijk folded back to parallelepiped, todo check residuals new_data = self._gen_band_data_array(len(self.symm_data) + len(extra_k), k_coords=True, index=True) new_data[:len(self.symm_data)] = self.symm_data new_data[len(self.symm_data):]['k'] = extra_k idx_map = self.ksamp_idx_map(ksamp_lattice) try: new_data[len(self.symm_data):]['idx'] = [idx_map[ijk] for ijk in lattice_ijk] except KeyError as ke: print(ke) breakpoint() return new_data
[docs] def ksamp_idx_map(self, ksamp_lattice): """dict : ijk k-sample lattice coordinates in basis parallelepiped -> unique idx""" data = self.symm_data # k to reciprocal lattice vectors parallelepiped # lattice_ijk maps k sample ijk values to unique index lattice_ijk = backfold_k_parallelepiped(, data['k']) @ ksamp_lattice.inv_matrix lattice_ijk = map(tuple, np.rint(lattice_ijk).astype(int)) return dict(zip(lattice_ijk, data['idx'])) # map sampling lattice ijk to unique index
[docs] def reshape_gridded_data(self, data='padded_symm', missing_coords_strategy='backfold'): """Tries to detect if the band data coordinates form a regular, rectangular grid, and returns the band data `indexes` reshaped to that grid.""" if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): pass elif data in ('padded_symm', None): data = self.padded_symm_data elif data == 'symm': data = self.symm_data elif data in ('raw', 'data'): data = self._gen_band_data_array(len(, k_coords=True, index=True) data['k'] =['k'] data['idx'] = np.arange(len( data = remove_duplicates(data) # remove duplicate k values basis = find_basis(data['k']) if basis is None: log.warning('No regular k grid detected') return None lattice = Lattice(basis).get_niggli_reduced_lattice() if not lattice.is_orthogonal: log.notice('Non-orthogonal grid detected, reshape_gridded_data will return `None`') return None if np.logical_not(np.isclose(lattice.matrix, 0)).sum() > 3: log.debug(lattice) log.warning('Rotated orthogonal grid not yet implemented') return None xs, ys, zs = axes = detect_grid(data['k']) with writeable(data): data['k'] = snap_to_grid(data['k'], *axes) # required to prevent float inaccuracy errors below regular_grid_coords = cartesian_product(*axes) shape = len(xs), len(ys), len(zs) k = data['k'] k_set = set(map(tuple, k.round(decimals=4))) # todo use ksamp lattice ijk rgc_set = set(map(tuple, regular_grid_coords.round(decimals=4))) # todo use ksamp lattice ijk if k_set == rgc_set: log.debug('detected regular k-sample grid of shape {}', shape) sort_idx = np.lexsort((k[:, 2], k[:, 1], k[:, 0])) return axes, data[sort_idx].reshape(*shape)['idx'] else: log.debug('detected sparse k-sample grid') # skipping check that sorted_data['k'] is a subset, in that case # (irregular k-points), detect_grid should throw an AssertionError sd_coords = np.core.records.fromarrays( k.T, formats="f4, f4, f4") rgc_coords = np.core.records.fromarrays( regular_grid_coords.T, formats="f4, f4, f4") missing_coords = np.setdiff1d(rgc_coords, sd_coords, assume_unique=True) # due to float inaccuracy errors, sorted_data may not be a strict # subset of regular_grid_coords if len(missing_coords) != len(rgc_coords) - len(sd_coords): log.error("FIXME float inaccuracy errors") log.debug(f"{len(missing_coords)} {len(rgc_coords)} {len(sd_coords)}") breakpoint() raise Exception() new_data = self._gen_band_data_array( len(regular_grid_coords), k_coords=True, index=True) # add existing data to the beginning new_data[:len(data)]['k'] = data['k'] new_data[:len(data)]['idx'] = data['idx'] # add missing coordinates after new_data[len(data):]['k'] = missing_coords.view('3f4') if missing_coords_strategy == 'nan': new_data[len(data):]['idx'] = -1 if missing_coords_strategy == 'backfold': # find exact matches all_k = backfold_k_parallelepiped(, new_data['k']) lattice_ijk = all_k @ lattice.inv_matrix lattice_ijk_int = np.rint(lattice_ijk).astype(int) assert np.abs(lattice_ijk_int-lattice_ijk).max() < 1e-4, 'detect_grid should have caught this' k_u, idx_u, inv_u = np.unique( lattice_ijk_int, axis=0, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) # k_u: unique values of all_k # idx_u: indices of unique values of all_k # inv_u: indices of origin values on k_u (k_u[inv_u] == all_k) # assert that all missing coordinates have an exact match in # data. existing_data_indices = np.arange(len(data)) missing_data_indices = np.setdiff1d(idx_u, existing_data_indices) log.debug('mdi {}', missing_data_indices) missing_idx = idx_u >= len(data) # make sure all unique k are contained in available data assert not any(missing_idx), f"{sum(missing_idx)} k not found" new_data['idx'] = new_data['idx'][idx_u][inv_u] new_k = new_data['k'] nsd_idx = np.lexsort((new_k[:, 2], new_k[:, 1], new_k[:, 0])) new_sorted_data = new_data[nsd_idx] assert np.array_equal(new_sorted_data['k'], regular_grid_coords) return axes, new_sorted_data.reshape(*shape)['idx']
[docs] def get_interpolator(self, data=None, kind=None, bands=None): """Returns an interpolator that accepts sampling points of shape (..., 3) and returns energy levels of shape (..., n_e). If the sampling points span a rectilinear grid in cartesian coords, a rectilinear interpolator is returned. Otherwise, a triangulated interpolator is returned. """ if data is None or data == 'padded_symm': data = self.padded_symm_data elif data == 'symm': data = self.symm_data elif data in ('raw', 'data'): data = self._gen_band_data_array( len(, k_coords=True, index=True) data['k'] =['k'] data['idx'] = np.arange(len( data = remove_duplicates(data) rgd = None if kind is None: rgd = self.reshape_gridded_data(data) kind = 'tri' if rgd is None else 'rect' if kind == 'rect': if rgd is None: rgd = self.reshape_gridded_data(data)'Rectilinear interpolation') axes, data_idx = rgd data_e =[data_idx]['e'][..., bands] return RegularGridInterpolator(axes, data_e) elif kind == 'tri':'Triangulated interpolation') data_e =[data['idx']]['e'][..., bands] return LinearNDInterpolator(data['k'], data_e)
@cached_property def interpolator(self): """Default interpolator from Band.get_interpolator()""" return self.get_interpolator()
[docs] @staticmethod def smooth_overlap(arr_e, e=0., scale=0.02, axis=2, weights=None): """ Calculates the Gaussian overlap of the energy levels in arr_e with the Fermi level or desired energy level `e`. Useful for generating smooth Fermi surface pseudospectra. :param arr_e: array containing energy levels of shape (..., n_e) :param e: energy level to calculate overlap for (default: 0) :param scale: scale of the gaussian (default: 0.02) :param axis: extra axis or tuple of axes along which the energy levels are summed (default: -1) :param weights: weights for each energy level, should have shape compatible with e_k_3d (default: None) """ arr_e[np.isnan(arr_e)] = -np.inf t1 = norm.pdf(arr_e, loc=e, scale=scale) sum_axis = (-1,) if axis is None else (axis, -1) if weights is not None: weights = np.ones_like(arr_e) * weights return np.average(t1, axis=sum_axis, weights=weights)
[docs] @classmethod def apply_symmetry(cls, data, symm_ops, basis=None): """ Applies the given symmetry operations to the k-space coordinates in `data` and returns a structured array with fields `k` and `idx`. `k` is the coordinate of the band data in k-space. `ìdx` is an index of `data`, where the band data equivalent to `k` can be found. `basis` is a 3x3 matrix that is used to transform the k-space to a different basis in which the symmetry operations are applied. TODO: apply to operators instead, since typically they are fewer """ k_points = data['k'] if basis is not None: k_points = k_points @ np.linalg.inv(basis) # from cartesian to basis vectors num_k = len(k_points) k_idx = np.arange(num_k) new_data_idx = cls._gen_band_data_array(num_k*len(symm_ops), k_coords=True, index=True) for i, op in enumerate(symm_ops): new_k_points = k_points @ op.T # .T since we are multiplying from the right new_data_idx['k'][num_k*i:num_k*(i+1)] = new_k_points new_data_idx['idx'][num_k*i:num_k*(i+1)] = k_idx log.debug('applied {} symm ops to {} k points', len(symm_ops), num_k) new_data_idx = remove_duplicates(new_data_idx) if basis is not None: new_data_idx['k'] = new_data_idx['k'] @ basis # from basis back to cartesian return new_data_idx
[docs]class Hamiltonian(FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = ("+hamdata",) _sections = ('RTG', 'lattice_vectors', 'centering', 'fullrelativistic', 'have_spin_info', 'nwan', 'nspin', 'wannames', 'wancenters', 'symmetry')
[docs] @loads(*(s+'_raw' for s in _sections), 'data_raw') def load(self): with open(self.filepath, 'r') as hamdata_file: sections = iter(self._sections) s = next(sections) data = [] section_data = None for i, line in enumerate(hamdata_file): if line.startswith("{}:".format(s)): data.append(section_data) try: s = next(sections) except StopIteration: s = 'spin' section_data = "" else: section_data += line data.append(section_data) return data[1:]
@cached_property def RTG(self): return self.RTG_raw.strip().lower() == 't' @cached_property def fullrelativistic(self): return self.fullrelativistic_raw.strip().lower() == 't' @cached_property def have_spin_info(self): return self.have_spin_info_raw.strip().lower() == 't' @cached_property def nspin(self): return int(self.nspin_raw) @cached_property def nwan(self): return int(self.nwan_raw) @cached_property def wannames(self): return self.wannames_raw.strip().split('\n') @cached_property def lattice_vectors(self): return np.genfromtxt(StringIO(self.lattice_vectors_raw), dtype=np.float64) @cached_property def centering(self): return np.genfromtxt(StringIO(self.centering_raw), dtype=np.float64) @cached_property def wancenters(self): return np.genfromtxt(StringIO(self.wancenters_raw), dtype=np.float64) @cached_property def data(self): blockre = re.compile(r"(?<=Tij, Hij:\n) *(?P<i>[0-9]+) +(?P<j>[0-9]+) *\n" r"(?P<TH>[0-9 E+-\.\n]*)(?=end Tij, Hij:\n)", flags=re.MULTILINE) hop = {} for i, j, TH in blockre.findall(self.data_raw): i, j = int(i)-1, int(j)-1 # convert 1-based to native 0-based indexing TH = np.genfromtxt(StringIO(TH), dtype=np.float64, ndmin=2).reshape((-1, 5)) TH = TH.view([('T', np.float64, (3,)), ('H', np.cdouble)]).squeeze(axis=1) hop[(i, j)] = TH # if i, j repeat, second one should be second spin sort if self.nspin != 1: log.warning("nspin != 1, but only last spin channel is read") return hop
[docs] def cluster_matrix(self, loc_center=(0,0,0), radius=4.0): """Return the Hamiltonian matrix of just the cluster (within `radius`) around `loc_center` including all intra-cluster hopping. :param loc_center: location of the center of the cluster (element of self.wancenters) :param radius: radius of the cluster in Bohr radii (default 4.0) :return cluster_matrix: Hamiltonian matrix of hopping within the cluster blocks sorted by cluster_loc key order, intra-block sorted by cluster_idx key order :return cluster_loc: cluster definition dictionary mapping cluster locations to corresponding Wannier site index :return cluster_idx: Wannier site definition dictionary mapping Wannier site index to contained Wannier orbital indices (self.wannames/self.wancenters) :return uidx: inverse of cluster_idx array mapping Wannier orbital indices (self.wannames/self.wancenters) to cluster_idx keys Note: written assuming atomically centered Wannier functions. No guarantees what the output is otherwise. """ ATOL = 1e-2 # float threshold below which we consider a translation vector square sum to be zero #NOTE: units of length appear to always be in Bohr radii in hamdata # find all unique locations, their indices, and their counts, self.wancenters should have no float error(!) # essentially a unique ID of translationally equivalent sites # locs: loc -> uidx # uidx: idx -> uidx locs, uidx, count = np.unique(self.wancenters, axis=0, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) idx_d = {i: np.argwhere(uidx == i)[:, 0] for i in range(len(locs))} # uidx -> idx uidx_center = np.nonzero((loc_center == locs).all(axis=1))[0][0] # find index of loc_center in locs # generate cluster, i.e. find all ligands within radius of loc_center # a cluster doesn't care about translational equivalence, so we use real locations instead of uidx hashcoord = lambda loc: tuple(loc) # hashable vector, locs should have no float error! no arithmetic on loc! cluster_loc = {hashcoord(loc_center): uidx_center} # add central ion to cluster; loc -> uidx for ic in idx_d[uidx_center]: # loop over all wannier orbitals of central ion for il, uidxl in enumerate(uidx): # loop over all wannier orbitals of candidate ligands (*including* central ion for e.g. unary compounds) T =[ic, il]['T'] dists2 = (T ** 2).sum(axis=1) hops = T[np.logical_and(dists2 < radius ** 2, dists2 > ATOL)] # filter out hops outside radius & on-site for hop in hops: loc = locs[uidx_center] + hop cluster_loc[hashcoord(loc)] = uidxl # get number of blocks (== number of sites) nblocks = len(cluster_loc) #blocksizes = [count[ui] for ui in cluster_loc.values()] # generate array of locations in cluster from cluster_loc dict arr_cluster_loc = np.array(list(cluster_loc.keys())) # get all translation vectors between cluster sites, i.e. blocks Tblock = arr_cluster_loc[np.newaxis] - arr_cluster_loc[:, np.newaxis] # get all hoppings between cluster sites, i.e. blocks Hblocks = {} # loop over all blocks for ib, (loci, uidxi) in enumerate(cluster_loc.items()): for jb, (locj, uidxj) in enumerate(list(cluster_loc.items())[ib:], ib): # T = locj - loci Hblocks[ib, jb] = Hblock = np.zeros((count[uidxi], count[uidxj]), dtype=np.cdouble) # loop over all hoppings between sites in block ib and jb for i, idxi in enumerate(idx_d[uidxi]): for j, idxj in enumerate(idx_d[uidxj]): # would be nicer to have an indexed version of translation vectors, but this is fine for now entry = np.nonzero((([idxi, idxj]['T'] - Tblock[ib, jb]) ** 2).sum(axis=1) < ATOL)[0] if entry.size: assert entry.size == 1 # there should only be one matching translation vector Hblock[i, j] =[idxi, idxj]['H'][entry[0]] Hblocks[jb, ib] = Hblock.conj().T Hcluster = np.block([ [Hblocks[i, j] for j in range(nblocks)] for i in range(nblocks)]) return Hcluster, cluster_loc, idx_d, uidx
[docs] @staticmethod def cluster_diag(Hcluster, n_center, transform_center=None): """ Return cluster Hamiltonian in symmetry adapted basis, i.e. transforming the basis to make the interaction between the central ion and the ligands as diagonal as possible. :param Hcluster: cluster Hamiltonian matrix :param n_center: number of orbitals on central ion (has to be first in cluster) :param transform_center: if True, allow also for a unitary transformation of the cluster center site True or 'interaction': SVD decomposition, interaction diagonal False: polar decomposition, no transformation of center, interaction matrix at least symmetric 'local': polar decomposition plus transformation of center site to diagonalize local Hamiltonian :return Hcluster: cluster Hamiltonian matrix in symmetry adapted basis :return U: unitary transformation matrix """ from scipy import linalg Up, Sigma, Ud_H = linalg.svd(Hcluster[n_center:, :n_center]) #Sigma = linalg.diagsvd(Sigma, len(Up), len(Um_T)) n_ligands = len(Hcluster) - n_center assert n_ligands >= n_center if transform_center == 'local': # diag(Ud, Up).diag(Ud^H, Ud^H, 1).diag(ev, ev, 1) ev = linalg.eigh(Hcluster[:n_center, :n_center])[1] U = linalg.block_diag( ev, (Up @ linalg.block_diag(Ud_H @ ev, np.eye(n_ligands - n_center)))) elif transform_center: U = linalg.block_diag(Ud_H.T.conj(), Up) else: # diag(Ud, Up).diag(Ud^H, Ud^H, 1) U = linalg.block_diag( np.eye(n_center), (Up @ linalg.block_diag(Ud_H, np.eye(n_ligands - n_center)))) return U.T.conj() @ Hcluster @ U, U