fplore.files package


fplore.files.band module

class fplore.files.band.Band(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: BandBase, FPLOFile

classmethod apply_symmetry(data, symm_ops, basis=None)[source]

Applies the given symmetry operations to the k-space coordinates in data and returns a structured array with fields k and idx.

k is the coordinate of the band data in k-space. ìdx is an index of data, where the band data equivalent to k can be found.

basis is a 3x3 matrix that is used to transform the k-space to a different basis in which the symmetry operations are applied. TODO: apply to operators instead, since typically they are fewer

property data

Returns the raw band data plus k-coordinates (if possible)

get_interpolator(data=None, kind=None, bands=None)[source]

Returns an interpolator that accepts sampling points of shape (…, 3) and returns energy levels of shape (…, n_e).

If the sampling points span a rectilinear grid in cartesian coords, a rectilinear interpolator is returned. Otherwise, a triangulated interpolator is returned.

property interpolator

Default interpolator from Band.get_interpolator()


dict : ijk k-sample lattice coordinates in basis parallelepiped -> unique idx

property padded_symm_data
reshape_gridded_data(data='padded_symm', missing_coords_strategy='backfold')[source]

Tries to detect if the band data coordinates form a regular, rectangular grid, and returns the band data indexes reshaped to that grid.

static smooth_overlap(arr_e, e=0.0, scale=0.02, axis=2, weights=None)[source]

Calculates the Gaussian overlap of the energy levels in arr_e with the Fermi level or desired energy level e. Useful for generating smooth Fermi surface pseudospectra.

  • arr_e – array containing energy levels of shape (…, n_e)

  • e – energy level to calculate overlap for (default: 0)

  • scale – scale of the gaussian (default: 0.02)

  • axis – extra axis or tuple of axes along which the energy levels are summed (default: -1)

  • weights – weights for each energy level, should have shape compatible with e_k_3d (default: None)

property symm_data

Returns the band data folded back to the first BZ and applies symmetry operations. Returns an index array to reduce memory usage.

property weights
class fplore.files.band.BandBase[source]

Bases: object

bands_at_energy(e=0.0, tol=0.05)[source]

Returns the indices of bands which cross a certain energy level

bands_within(e_lower, e_upper=None)[source]

Returns the indices of bands which are within a certain energy range

class fplore.files.band.BandWeights(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: BandBase, FPLOFile

property data
property labels
property orbitals
class fplore.files.band.Hamiltonian(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOFile

property RTG
property RTG_raw
property centering
property centering_raw
static cluster_diag(Hcluster, n_center, transform_center=None)[source]

Return cluster Hamiltonian in symmetry adapted basis, i.e. transforming the basis to make the interaction between the central ion and the ligands as diagonal as possible.

  • Hcluster – cluster Hamiltonian matrix

  • n_center – number of orbitals on central ion (has to be first in cluster)

  • transform_center – if True, allow also for a unitary transformation of the cluster center site True or ‘interaction’: SVD decomposition, interaction diagonal False: polar decomposition, no transformation of center, interaction matrix at least symmetric ‘local’: polar decomposition plus transformation of center site to diagonalize local Hamiltonian

Return Hcluster:

cluster Hamiltonian matrix in symmetry adapted basis

Return U:

unitary transformation matrix

cluster_matrix(loc_center=(0, 0, 0), radius=4.0)[source]

Return the Hamiltonian matrix of just the cluster (within radius) around loc_center including all intra-cluster hopping.

  • loc_center – location of the center of the cluster (element of self.wancenters)

  • radius – radius of the cluster in Bohr radii (default 4.0)

Return cluster_matrix:

Hamiltonian matrix of hopping within the cluster blocks sorted by cluster_loc key order, intra-block sorted by cluster_idx key order

Return cluster_loc:

cluster definition dictionary mapping cluster locations to corresponding Wannier site index

Return cluster_idx:

Wannier site definition dictionary mapping Wannier site index to contained Wannier orbital indices (self.wannames/self.wancenters)

Return uidx:

inverse of cluster_idx array mapping Wannier orbital indices (self.wannames/self.wancenters) to cluster_idx keys

Note: written assuming atomically centered Wannier functions. No guarantees what the output is otherwise.

property data
property data_raw
property fullrelativistic
property fullrelativistic_raw
property have_spin_info
property have_spin_info_raw
property lattice_vectors
property lattice_vectors_raw
property nspin
property nspin_raw
property nwan
property nwan_raw
property symmetry_raw
property wancenters
property wancenters_raw
property wannames
property wannames_raw

fplore.files.base module

class fplore.files.base.FPLOFile(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod get_file_class(path)[source]
is_loaded = False
classmethod load(path)[source]
load_default = False
classmethod open(path, load=False, run=None)[source]
registry = {'loaders': {'+band': <class 'fplore.files.band.Band'>, '+band_kp': <class 'fplore.files.band.Band'>, '+error': <class 'fplore.files.misc.Error'>, '+hamdata': <class 'fplore.files.band.Hamiltonian'>, '+points': <class 'fplore.files.misc.Points'>, '+run': <class 'fplore.files.misc.Run'>, '=.dens': <class 'fplore.files.misc.Dens'>, '=.in': <class 'fplore.files.misc.InFile'>, '=.sym': <class 'fplore.files.misc.SymFile'>}, 'loaders_re': OrderedDict([(re.compile('\\+bw(eights(lms)?|sum)(_kp)?(_unfold)?'), <class 'fplore.files.band.BandWeights'>), (re.compile('\\+i?l?n?dos\\..+'), <class 'fplore.files.dos.DOS'>)])}
exception fplore.files.base.FPLOFileException[source]

Bases: Exception

class fplore.files.base.FPLOFileType(name, bases, attrs)[source]

Bases: type

fplore.files.base.get_cachepath(classname, attrname, filepath)[source]
fplore.files.base.load_cache_wrapper(classname, load_orig)[source]

Turns return value into dict with loaded attribute names as keys

fplore.files.base.loads(*attrs, **kwargs)[source]

fplore.files.config module

class fplore.files.config.FPLOConfig[source]

Bases: object

load_default = True
static parse_config(config_str)[source]
property sections
fplore.files.config.walk(ns, declaration, value)[source]

fplore.files.dos module

class fplore.files.dos.DOS(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOFile

property data
property header

fplore.files.misc module

class fplore.files.misc.Dens(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOConfig, FPLOFile

load_default = False
class fplore.files.misc.Error(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOFile

load_default = True
property messages
class fplore.files.misc.InFile(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOConfig, FPLOFile

class fplore.files.misc.Points(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOFile

property data
class fplore.files.misc.Run(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOFile

property data
load_default = True
class fplore.files.misc.SymFile(filepath, run=None)[source]

Bases: FPLOConfig, FPLOFile

Module contents