Source code for fplore.files.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

from itertools import zip_longest

from .base import FPLOFile, loads
from .config import FPLOConfig
from ..logging import log

[docs]class Error(FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = "+error" load_default = True
[docs] @loads('messages') def load(self): with open(self.filepath, 'r') as f: messages = if messages.strip() != "": log.warning('+error file not empty:\n{}', messages) return messages
[docs]class Run(FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = "+run" load_default = True
[docs] @loads('data') def load(self): data = {} with open(self.filepath, 'r') as run_file: for line in run_file: key, value = line.split(':', 1) data[key.strip()] = value.strip() return data
[docs]class Dens(FPLOConfig, FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = "=.dens" load_default = False
[docs]class Points(FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = "+points"
[docs] @loads('data') def load(self): points_file = open(self.filepath, 'r') n_points = int(next(points_file).split()[1]) lines_per_point = 4 data = [] for lines in zip_longest(*[points_file] * lines_per_point): label_match = re.match("^# ' (.*) '$", lines[0]) label = ik = float(lines[1].split()[0]) data.append((ik, label)) assert len(data) == n_points return data
# todo: why are there 2 lines, and what's the second number?
[docs]class InFile(FPLOConfig, FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = ""
[docs] @loads('_data') def load(self): data = super(InFile, self).load()['_data'] = (data.header.version.mainversion, data.header.version.subversion)"Detected FPLO run with version {}-{}", * if float([0]) < 14: log.warning("FPLO version <14 is not supported. Things may break.") return data
[docs]class SymFile(FPLOConfig, FPLOFile): __fplo_file__ = "=.sym"